Pillared House

Glimpses of Old Gainsborough 1894 Part Two

Friday, March 16, 1894 Glimpses of old Gainsborough Chats with the oldest inhabitant part two In the first interview with Mr Charles Markham of Spital Terrace, the oldest inhabitant of Gainsborough. I gathered many facts that were interesting especially to residents of the town. When I paid him a second

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Trentside Memories Authors at Book Signing

Trentside Memories – New Publication Available Now

On Saturday 24th September 2016 the Trentside Links community organisation officially launched its locally-produced book ‘Trentside Memories’ with the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF). Led by volunteers from the local community, the project focuses on recording the life, culture and images from the history of the local villages

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Gainsborough Old Hall

The Old Hall, Gainsborough’s Jewel in the Town

Built by Sir Thomas Burgh around 1460, Gainsborough Old Hall is a beauty and true hidden gem. It was not only a home for the Burgh family, but also a status symbol- with Thomas presented with multiple positions from and in numerous Royal households, including being named Sheriff of Lincolnshire,

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Charles william Clarke 5th from left back row 5th Lincs band

Memories of a Soldier and Prisoner of the Great War

Charles William Clarke was born on 29th September, 1895 at his grandparents’ house in Gainsborough. Charlie, as he was known, lived with his family at 2 Gladstone Cottages, Morton.  He attended Morton School, which he left in 1909 at the age of 14. In 1912, Charlie started work at Marshall

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Opening Night Preview at the Museum

Grand Re-Opening of Gainsborough Heritage Centre

Gainsborough born, actress Julia Deakin officially opened and launched the new and enhanced Gainsborough Heritage Centre on Saturday 3rd September 2016 at 10.30am. This special event began with a few words from Col David Harris the Deputy Lieutenant of Lincolnshire followed by an impressive speech from our new Vice President,

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