Talking THI – Volume 4: Windows

While the shopfronts perhaps have the biggest visual impact on the buildings taking part in the Townscape Heritage Initiative, another large aspect of the scheme has been work to the windows of the properties. When looking to secure the fabric of the building, windows that are water – and draught

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Talking THI – Volume 3; Shopfronts

Repointing, overhauling rainwater goods, removing render, repairing and replacing windows….while enhancing the appearance of the buildings, the main purpose of all of these works is to improve the fabric of the building and ensure that that will last for another two hundred years. Replacing the shopfronts, however, is a change

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Talking THI – Volume 2; Pointing

Talking THI – Volume 2; What’s the Point? For each project currently underway, you will have hopefully noticed our Historic Heart Boards on display – there to give a short history of the building, alongside an overview of the work being carried out. For a lot of the THI projects,

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Talking THI – Volume 1; Roofs

While the scaffolding that is up on many of the buildings in the Town Centre at the moment is a good indication that work is being carried out at a high level, it isn’t always obvious just what work is being undertaken. Today, I want to share with you a

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Coffee, Cake and Memories – A Reminiscence Morning about Shopping in Gainsborough

Come along on Tuesday 7th May to a friendly reminiscence morning at Gainsborough Library, where we provide the refreshments and you bring your photos and memories of Gainsborough shops that have come and gone over the years. Our aim is to capture your memories of shops that you loved to

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