New Mural Celebrates 85th Anniversary of RAF Hemswell
Lincolnshire based Antiques Centre is bringing RAF History back to one of England’s forgotten airfields at Old RAF Hemswell. Astra Antiques Centre is an independent Antique Centre based on the largest Antiques Hub in Europe at Hemswell Cliff. What makes the setting even more unique is that the site is
How to look after your older property – National Maintenance Week
The Historic Heart of Gainsborough Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) supports the SPAB’s 2021 National Maintenance Week The Historic Heart of Gainsborough THI is managed by West Lindsey District Council with the backing of the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The £1.96m investment in historic buildings and associated community engagement activities seeks
A look at 35 Lord Street, formerly The Tiger Inn
As promised last week, we continue down Lord Street looking at the historic buildings which are eligible for grants within the Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI). This week we look at 35 Lord Street, which was known as The Tiger Inn for more than 200 years before renaming to ‘Lords’ in
A Vision of the Past to inform the Future
In our last post we detailed the uphill struggle that we are facing to convince building owners to come forward and apply for their grants to cover around 75% of the cost of restoring their shopfronts. Each week now we will feature a building that is targeted for improvements within