townscape heritage team on lord street

Townscape Heritage Initiative makes progress in Gainsborough

Work has begun this year to restore the ‘historic heart of Gainsborough’ with thanks to a grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Last year, West Lindsey District Council was successful in being awarded a £1.25 million grant that will be invested as part of a major project to restore

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Demolished Streets: Part One

On behalf of the team at the Gainsborough Heritage Centre, I would like to wish all of our supporters, volunteers and members a happy new year. Due to recent lockdown guidelines, the Heritage Centre will be remaining closed for now. However, in a recent update from the Chairman of the

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Objects from the Archives

In the Association’s last blog post we shared some photos of objects from the archives and invited you to solve the mystery! Here are the answers and some more information below. Bed Warmer A bed warmer or warming pan was a common household item in countries with cold winters, especially

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Can you solve the mystery?

Rosemary Speck the Archives Officer at the Gainsborough Heritage Association has found some items from the collection for us to identify. See if you can work out what all the items are below and watch out for the next blog for the answers and more information!

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In memory of Peter Bradshaw

The Gainsborough Heritage Association would like to make this blog a special tribute to one of our volunteers, Peter Bradshaw who passed away in March this year after a long battle with cancer. Peter was a dedicated and much-loved volunteer. Before his time volunteering at the Heritage Centre, he worked

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